3 minute read

Learn the basic concepts for developing your own template based V2 target connector for HelloID provisioning.

Before you begin

Before you begin developing a connector, make sure to have installed the following:

TIP While PowerShell 7 is not a strict requirement, its advised to have it installed locally if your connector will be executed using HelloID cloud PowerShell.

Table of contents

Your first template based connector

  1. Create a new file. (Can be of any type)
  2. Right click to open the context menu.
  3. Click on ConnectorGenerator -> Create new HelloID connector project scaffolding.
  4. Select the connector type Target.
  5. Specify the name of the new connector. For example HelloWorld.
  6. Browse to the location where you want the files to be created and press enter.


If you open the VSCode file Explorer you will see all the files that have been generated.

Executing and testing the create lifecycle action

You will probably spend a lot time developing your code. And, you want to make sure it runs properly before moving to HelloID. Its advised to first execute and test your code locally.

Every new project includes a test folder that contains everything you need to execute (and test) your code locally.

Our HelloID-Conn-Prov-Target-HelloWorld example includes the following files:

File Name Description
./test/config.json Sample configuration.json
./test/demoPerson.json Sample JSON data for a person
./test/debugStart.ps1 initializes variables like the $outputContext and $actionContext

To execute and test a lifecycle action:

  1. Open the ./test/debugStart.ps1 script.
  2. Press Run to execute the code.
  3. Open the create.ps1 script.
  4. Press Run to execute the code.

You should see the information message below in VSCode.


Debug the create lifecycle action

Debugging is arguably one of the most complex aspects in your development process. To make debugging a little easier, we’ve included a debugStart.ps1 that will initialize all variables used within HelloID.

TIP Make sure the debugStart.ps1 is loaded before executing one of the lifecycle actions.

To debug a lifecycle action:

  1. Open the create.ps1 script and browse to line 141.
  2. Change the content of the $auditLogMessage to HelloWorld.
  3. Set a breakpoint on line 141.
  4. Open the Run and Debug panel. or press Run to execute the code.

TIP Press F10 or click on the Jump over button, as seen in the animation below, to step through your code.


Project structure

A connector project comes with a lot of files. Each with its own purpose. In the debugging section, you’ve already seen some of the debug files available in the ./test folder.

The table below specifies each file and its use.

File Name Description
./permissions/groups/grantPermission.ps1 connector grant lifecycle action
./permissions/groups/permissions.ps1 connector permission retrieval action
./permissions/groups/revokePermission.ps1 connector revoke lifecycle action
./resources/groups/resources.ps1 connector resource creation action
./test/config.json keep your configuration settings for local debugging
./test/debugStart.json debugStart for easy debugging
./test/demoPerson.json pre-filled person skeleton
.gitignore ignore the test folder
CHANGELOG.md keep track of notable changes to the connector
configuration.json connector configuration.json
create.ps1 connector create lifecycle action
delete.ps1 connector delete lifecycle action
disable.ps1 connector disable lifecycle action
enable.ps1 connector enable lifecycle action
fieldMapping.json connector field mapping
README.md pre-filled README to keep with the connector
update.ps1 connector update lifecycle action

Please note that not all lifecycle actions may be necessary for your project. You can safely remove any actions that you don’t need.

Wrapping Up

We’ve covered the basics of creating, executing, and debugging a connector template project locally. However, this is just scratching the surface. There is much more to explore and delve into.

What’s next

Developing a connector requires extensive knowledge of PowerShell and HelloID provisioning. If you don’t know where to go from here, there are plenty of resources that can help you.


We have a huge collection of connectors available on the Tools4ever GitHub repository you can adapt from.


Make sure to explore our documentation.


ChatGPT is a great tool that can answer your questions and generate code. See: OpenAI.


Lastly, if you find yourself stuck and require assistance, make sure to visit our forum. Here, you can ask questions and connect with our consultants and developers.